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Futuristic Time Jump : Pitching an Assassin's Creed Game

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Could the 'present-day' be replaced by a futuristic storyline?

TOWCB Team members Gargudon and Ubicypher (Rally the Creed #6) pitched the idea of transporting the modern day segments into the future. They noted that Ubisoft have always been extremely cautious about real-life current affairs, avoiding mention of wars or ongoing issues, even recently glossing over the Covid-19 pandemic by only referencing it in an in-game email.

Dataminers uncovered an unreleased cutscene in the files for Assassin's Creed Mirage which featured a conversation between two Animus operators, discussing DNA found by Assassin Mentor William Miles. The pair refer to the 21st Century as 'Ancient History', suggesting that they are much further ahead in time


The Evidence



In the Assassin's Creed Brahman graphic novel, Jasdip Dhami, a member of the Indian Brotherhood of Assassins encountered Abstergo Operatives wearing futuristic head gear, a mission to locate the Koh-i-Noor diamond (Piece of Eden) which ended in failure, and the deaths of Siobhan Dhami (Assassin) and Monima Das (actress).

Jasdip returned in the Assassin's Creed Uprising comic book series (2017) by Titan Comics, continuing his search for the Koh-i-Noor diamond, this time representing the Instruments of the First Will after leaving the Assassins. This shows that technology which could be classed as 'futuristic', or ahad of its time still exists within the Assassin's Creed universe.

The armour worn by Sigma Team in Assassin's Creed Origins (2017 ) is somewhat reminiscent to Predator, giving it an almost-alien-like feel. The team returned in the long-running Assassin's Creed: Forgotten Temple manhwa (online graphic novel), wearing the same outfit.


Non Canon

In the 'Assassin's Creed Visionaries' comic book series, issue #2 variant cover art by Moy R. Marco featured a giant Assassin robot, similar to a Transformer. The cover was created to showcase a short story within the issue written by Kevin Roditeli, titled 'Project Altair'.

Synopsis by AC Wiki

''For the past two years, giant creatures have appeared at random to cause destruction, razing everything in sight and vanishing as quickly as they appeared with apparently no rhyme or reason for it. Humanity has finally developed a possible way to counter these monsters: giant robots.

Atop a building, Minerva watches another monster attack. She removes her cloak and performs a Leap of Faith down into her giant robot, Altaïr-01. Her support team confirm that all systems are ready and, from the command chair, Minerva activates her plasma Hidden Blade and, with it, the machine. Minerva then maneuvers the robot towards the creature and engages it in combat, having Altaïr-01 strike it with its own Hidden Blade.''


Fan Content


Over the years fans of the franchise have dreamt up countless possibilities for future projects, including a game set in the future.

Seeing all the great ideas brought to life by artists makes us here at TOWCB wonder if it's only a matter of time before Assassin's Creed takes the leap forward in time


Pitching a Futuristic Assassin's Creed


With the difficulties that come with setting a game in reality, Ubisoft could commit to a time jump where Abstergo have finally taken over civilisation through technology, and the Assassins are fighting back. This could look very similar to 'In Time', or 'The Hunger Games'.

Access the Animus released a really intriguing article (written by ) on the topic, piecing together a number of hints towards an upcoming shift in time.

History is our playground


ultimately end with someone taking control over humanity, whether that be a branch of the Templars, such as Abstergo, the Isu returning, or something new entirely.

cycle of


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