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  • The Ones Who Came Before | Assassin's Creed Community

    The Ones Who Came Before is an Assassin's Creed fan community. We provide news, theories, interviews, giveaways and more to Assassin’s Creed fans around the world. Join our community today! Welcome to The Ones Who Came Before, The Home of Assassin's Creed Community Content. We are an Assassin's Creed Fan Community dedicated to providing news, theories, and updates. Created in 2014, TOWCB is an active Community made up of passionate fans around the world. The Ones Who Came Before Assassin's Creed Community can be found on a number of social media platforms, all of which are managed by a team of admins. The Ones Who Came Before aims to provide community members with unique and interesting content. Our focus is on covering everything related to the series, no matter how small, and we are working alongside a team of passionate content creators to provide regular releases. The Home of Assassin's Creed Community Content

  • 6 ways to stay entertained in the Assassin's Creed Community during Isolation | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    6 ways to stay entertained in the Assassin's Creed Community during Isolation Other Share 14 Apr 2020 Written By: Edited By: Colum Blackett (Col_96) Ashlea Buckley Back To Database Self-isolating can be draining, leaving you feeling unmotivated and bored. Thankfully, members of the Assassin's Creed community have been coming up with ways to keep us all entertained during these difficult times. Here are six things to do in the Assassin's Creed community during isolation. 6: Support Streamers A number of streamers are playing Assassin's Creed games on a regular basis, giving you the chance to return to the series. Even if you miss a stream, you can still watch it at a later date. Here are a number of channels providing regular streams. Did we miss you? Send us a message , and we'll add you to the list! Phantom Blade Cosplay Fizhy KingZeke92 LazerzZ 5: Assassin's Creed Board Games Board games are a great way to pass the time and can provide hours of entertainment for all the family. Our fan Stuart has been playing Assassin's Creed Monopoly, but a number of games are available. You can even pick up a pack of Assassin's Creed Top Trumps if you're looking for something simple! 4: HomeCon 2020 HomeCon 2020 may be over, but you can still watch all of the panels on Twitch for £4.99 or free with Amazon Prime. It really was a fantastic event, and you can learn more about it here. Paul Amos has also announced that 'Creed-Con', an online Assassin's Creed event will be happening next month, so stay tuned! 3: Fanart Community members have been producing a ton of fan art, and it's a great time to hone your skills and perfect your techniques! Here are some of our favourites so far! 2: Assassin's Creed Jigsaws Jigsaws are another great way to pass the time, and can keep you entertained for days, possibly even weeks! Our fan Vale has been piecing together Connor from Assassin's Creed III, but a number of puzzles are available. 1: Play the games Assassin's Creed is a huge series, and there's a ton of content you may have missed upon release. Now is the perfect time to purchase that DLC, pick up the spin-off games you never had time to play, or just fill the gap in your collection. Who knows, you might even pick up another language and learn some history! Most importantly though, it's something to keep you entertained during isolation. comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program. As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website. He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level. Colum Blackett (Col_96)

  • This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 14th to 20th August | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 14th to 20th August Community Share 22 Aug 2023 Written By: Edited By: Aaron Young Colum Blackett Back To Database Welcome to the weekly virtual photography roundup hosted by Aaron Young from The AC Partnership Program. Every week I will be picking our top 5 favourite Assassin’s Creed shots and showcasing them on The Ones Who Came Before website, in order to promote virtual photography and talented content creators within the community. Aaron is a keen virtual photographer and loves to post his journeys through Assassin’s Creed on Twitter. Keep an eye on the site as more weekly shots are added, we are looking for captures across all Assassin’s Creed games. Tag your photos to the #TOWCBWeeklyCapture for a chance to be featured. This week’s theme: Assassin’s Creed Swooping In Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins VP Artist: @ photomodeaddict “Fly like an Eagle” Swooping in from above is one of Senu’s specialties. This beautiful Bonelli Eagle is one of the highlights of Assassin’s Creed Origins. Being able to call upon her to scout enemy encampments or to distract a guard is a real bonus for Bayek. This shot is so captivating as it captures Senu mid dive with her wings tilted back. I adore the focus of this photo with Senu’s head brought to the forefront, it gives a real racing car feel. The blue saturated sky is sublime mimicking the blues used on the Horus armour set. A dramatic, elegant capture of an eagle that will always be remembered in the series. Link to set: White Knight Game: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood VP Artist: @ Rambo_590 “Fear Not The Darkness, But Welcome It’s Embrace” Due to the lack of photo modes in the old games, Ezio rarely gets to feature in one of these articles, which is a shame as he is arguably the most famous Assassin in the series. The Florentine nobleman turned Assassin lives a life not too dissimilar to many comic book heroes. In this capture he is doing his best Batman pose, you could say he is Italy’s white knight dressed in the Brotherhood robes. The positioning of this capture is what draws me in with the moon above his left shoulder acting as a ‘bat signal’ especially with how it is reflecting off his outfit. The tone of the shot is spot on and it is achieved brilliantly with the white and the dark contrast. Link to set: Holy Judgment Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla VP Artist: @ dede_wijayanto3 “One day it is my hope that all Kingdoms will become one united under one God” The St Georges armour is such an anomaly in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. There must have been a glitch in the Animus for Eivor to use it. A design that is synonymous with the English looks out of place on a Viking. That being said, Eivor’s presence in England and connection with Alfred starts the formation of England. The black and white look of this capture is its USP. The cross of St Georges pops due to the lack of colour and the shadow work is so intriguing. I love that bits of green have been added to the leaves. The pose is perfection, amplifying the cross but also the hood and the axe. The shot merges England, Assassin, and Viking all in one. The Ones Who Came Before Photo of the Week Judge: @ TuridTorkil ''This picture pulls me in. The combination of Templar cloak and Dane axe awakens my interest. I really like the accentuated use of colour. I am curious to know who is behind the hood and what their intention are''. Coastal Realms Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins VP Artist: @ ophierian_vp “It’s not what you are underneath, but what you do that defines you” The troubled Medjay who walks a lonely road, uses the pain of loss to emerge from the darkness a better man. Underneath Bayek is anger, rage, and vengeance but his actions are of a man with courage and devotion. He uses his grief for good, and assembles the Hidden Ones along with Aya. This exceptional capture tells this story with Bayek emerging from the darkness and into the light. I love how his hood is across the eyes allowing his identity to remain hidden. The colours and details are perfect and exceptionally highlighted by the lighting. A charismatic capture of the vigilante of Egypt. Now We Are Free Game: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey VP Artist: @ lightfallimage “Sometimes I Do What I Want To Do. The Rest Of The Time, I Do What I Have To” At times Kassandra has quite a few links to Maximus in the Gladiator movie. They both have to fight back from the depths of despair. They both speak of free will and the importance it has on the people. Kassandra though doesn’t get to be free in the end and must spend her life helping to write wrongs. This shot perfectly captures the essence of Gladiator and the field of wheat scene. It’s a nice touch that the developers added the hand movement when in these areas. The shot itself is wonderful, it’s clean, colourful and extremely crisp. The scope of the capture is incredible with varying landscapes on show. I like the little details too with the butterfly floating in from the right. That yellow though is something else, so eye catching. And that sums it up for this week’s Assassin’s Creed virtual photography recap list! Thank you for checking out this week’s photo collection. This would not be possible without the virtual photographers out there so a huge thanks to them. Until next week keep those shots coming in! comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Aaron is a passionate Assassin's Creed fan who joined our AC Partnership Program as an Online Article Writer back in 2021 after the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. After building momentum and interest on TOWCB website for Virtual Photography, Aaron established TOWCB Virtual Photography Team, of which he is now Team Leader. Throughout 2024, TOWCB VP Team will be sharing community captures in dedicated articles, and providing a positive environment on Twitter for gamers to share their shots. Aaron Young

  • Assassins in Need: Heart of the Creed (2022 Community Fundraiser) | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    Assassins in Need: Heart of the Creed (2022 Community Fundraiser) Fundraising Share 17 Aug 2022 Written By: Edited By: Colum Blackett (Col_96) Ashlea Blackett Back To Database We are pleased to reveal that our 2022 Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser will run from the 15th August - 10th September 2022! This year's campaign is titled 'Assassins in Need: Heart of the Creed', and will raise money for The British Heart Foundation and The American Heart Association, two incredible organisations providing critical cardiovascular medical research and education to facilities around the world. This lifesaving campaign launched by The Ones Who Came Before in association with various different companies and communities hopes to be our biggest yet, with a target of £1500. Here you can learn more about the 2022 campaign and our partners! This is a cause which we can all get behind, as many of us in the community have lost family members and friends to heart disease or related conditions. Earlier in the year, Assassin's Creed scriptwriter Russell Lees sadly passed away from a heart attack. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time. Our Assassin's Creed community fundraisers have collectively raised over £2500 for various causes, and we hope to once again support a worthwhile cause which can save lives. Thank You Dave Woodward from Assassin's Creed United Kingdom Declan from Let's Talk Assassin's Creed promoting the campaign on his podcast The Maverick (A Hidden One) promoting the campaign onhis TikTok channel. Aaron from the AC Partnership program thanking donors 2022 Partners Links to Assassin's Creed As longtime fans of TOWCB will know, we pick our fundraising causes very carefully, finding ways to connect real-life issues to the Assassin's Creed series In the Assassin's Creed series, Master Assassin and Mentor Ezio Auditore died of a heart attack on a bench in his beloved city of Florence. We were also saddened to report the death of Assassin's Creed scriptwriter Russell Lees earlier in the year, who passed away from a heart attack. Russell worked on various AAA Ubisoft titles as a script writer, most recently as Lead Writer for Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wrath of the Druids and ACV's Sciropscire & Oxenefordscire arcs. Milestones & Raffles £100 reached: Lisa Zaman Art Sale. All profits go towards the fundraiser. We are thrilled to announce that Lisa has once again teamed up with TOWCB team to host an exclusive art print sale! £300 reached: Assassin's Creed History Livestream launched, covering historical figures, landmarks and events. Hosted by @science_creed, @ac_landmarks and @HistoriansPers and by our YouTube channel names The Science of Assassin's Creed and AC Landmarks. Additionally, you can find the channel of our collaborator Master Hekate's Ceremonials also on YouTube £400 reached: Merchandise Sale launched We are pleased to announce the launch of our Assassins In Need merchandise sale, featuring a design created by TOWCB team member Thea Rivedal! 100% of proceeds support the 2022 community fundraiser, raising funds for @ TheBHF & @ American_Heart £500 reached: Ezio Auditore Statue Auction: All profits go towards the fundraiser We will be auctioning an Ezio statue, kindly donated to the fundraiser by Ubisoft UK! £1000 reached: Merchandise Sale: We will be selling even more exclusive Heart of the Creed fundraiser merchandise, using designs created by AC Partnership Members. Opportunity! All donors of £5 or more will receive access to our Thank You pack, containing a special video! You'll need to donate to find out more! Opportunity! All donors of £15 or more will be entered into a raffle! Aconyte Books have kindly donated x5 digital bundles containing the following novels! Assassin's Creed: Sword of the White Horse Assassin's Creed: The Magus Conspiracy Assassin's Creed: The Ming Storm Opportunity! All donors of £20 or more will be entered in to a raffle! We have x3 Ezio Auditore Assassin's Creed Revelations prints by Chariflame to giveaway! Opportunity! All donors of £50 or more will be entered into a raffle We have x1 signed Evie Frye Print, signed by voice actress Victoria Atikin, kindly donated to the fundraiser by Kim Beacham from the Assassin's Creed United Kingdom team! Get Involved You can now find the 2022 Assassins in Need fundraiser on GoFundMe. We need your support to make this a success, so please donate and support the fundraiser if you can. comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program. As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website. He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level. Colum Blackett (Col_96)

  • Assassin's Creed News Recap: 7th - 20th August 2022 | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    Assassin's Creed News Recap: 7th - 20th August 2022 News Share 21 Aug 2022 Written By: Edited By: Colum Blackett (Col_96) Ashlea Blackett Back To Database Welcome to a new Assassin's Creed News Recap series, hosted by Colum Blackett (Col_96) from The Ubisoft Star Players Program (Formerly Mentors Guild). Every week, we will be rounding up Assassin's Creed News and sharing it here on The Ones Who Came Before website. Keep an eye on the site every Sunday for more weekly recaps, or check out our social media links down below to stay updated on everything Assassin's Creed. 1) We have quite a lot to cover in this Assassin's Creed news round-up, this time spanning a fortnight instead of a week due to the launch of our Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser! In collaboration with various community members and organisations, we here at TOWCB are raising funds for The British Heart Foundation and The American Heart Association, two incredible organisations providing critical cardiovascular medical research and education to facilities around the world. To increase donations, we are currently hosting an art sale! Lisa Zaman from the Assassin's Creed Partnership Program has kindly donated prints which we are selling via GoFundMe donations! To purchase a print, simply donate £15 for one, or £25 for x2, and message the admin team with your selections and details! Please donate if you can and help the fundraiser reach it's target of £1500! All donors receive a special thank you pack containing a surprise, and will be entered into raffles depending on donation amount. 2) Antheum Studios released new images of the Assassin's Creed Whisky, and it looks incredible! ''Crafted in the hill country of Texas and finished in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, this 4 year old straight bourbon whiskey carries a rich flavour with rye spice, wheat character, and hints of cherry, vanilla and oak. Appealing to spirit connoisseurs and fans alike, this iconic selection is a worthy addition to any bar. Game hard, drink responsibly.'' Look out for the Assassin’s Creed 15th Anniversary Straight Bourbon Whiskey, which is available now from various retailers in the US! 3) The teaser trailer for the Assassin's Creed event coming to PUBG Battlegrounds dropped! Never did we expect to see Master Assassin Ezio Auditore using a frying pan to knock out enemies, but here we are. In fairness, the crossover has done a good job at replicating Abstergo Industries and Ezio's robes. It also looks like the game features a number of core pillars sacred to the identity of the brand like the leap of faith and the Hidden Blade, so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out in-game. 4) Mike Smith from the AC Partnership Program (Isu Network) released his fascinating new interview with Kate Heartfield, author of The Magus Conspiracy novel. In the interview, we discuss her book and working with publisher Aconyte Books on a new trilogy for the Assassin's Creed universe; The Engine of History. For the first time ever, we also released the interview transcript, so you can enjoy this interview on Youtube , or here in written form! 5) We were happy to release a Q&A with Michael Doyle, an online article writer who recently joined the AC Partnership Program (Isu Network). Michael is a close friend of TOWCB admin team and has provided support behind the scenes for many years. In the interview, we covered everything from the Netflix Assassin's Creed TV show to the upcoming Ubisoft Forward Assassin's Creed event. Check it out here! 6) Ubisoft shared three new creations for the weekly social media series titled Wallpaper Wednesday. To mark the 15th Anniversary of Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft have been commissioning community artists. The first image, featuring an Assassin underneath the AC15 logo, and the second, showcasing settings from the games were created by artist Valorianru , formerly of The Mentors Guild! We love the use of colours in these two creations! The third image, by Assassin's Crweed , shows Desmond Miles in a powerful stance holding the Apple of Eden, surrounded by shattered glass fragments featuring the faces of Assassins. Look carefully and you'll notice that even the tiny fragment closest to Arno has an Assassin looking back. It's great to see community artists getting opportunities like this, and we are very much enjoying all of the creations. 7) We celebrated 8 years since the creation of The Ones Who Came Before. The main focus for this year's celebration was to launch the Assassin's Creed Community Fundraiser, but we still have one or two celebratory projects to release later on in the month. To mark our anniversary, we reflected on our history in a new article titled 8 Years of The Ones Who Came Before: Looking Back. Check it out here! 8) Hugo Sahuquet, Former Associate Narrative Director at Ubisoft Bordeaux shared some of his notes from the creation of the Wrath of the Druids DLC! We love stuff like this, showing the inner thought processes of the devs, and also how ideas change over time. Look carefully at the notes and you'll notice early dialogue ideas for a quest featuring Barid and Ciara! 9) Ubisoft shared a cryptic image featuring Morse Code on their Weibo account which reveals the phrase “coming soon” The second translation roughly says 'retrace the past, improve the present, define the future.' What do you think they are teasing? 10) Voice actor Roger Craig Smith (Ezio Auditore) shared an image of himself outside of the Ubisoft Montreal studio in Canada! This image sparked speculation that he could he be working on an Ezio project with Ubisoft, and we actually can't rule that out just yet. It could just be a fun tweet by Roger, but then again, it could be something more. The purpose for the visit remains a mystery, but with a new platform based Assassin's Creed project titled 'Infinity' currently in development, it may be that we start to see small chunks of content for older characters, so it may be possible to see Ezio again, or even get a conclusion for other characters such as Connor or Arno. Fingers crossed, the Mentor will return one day! 11) Several retailers including Amazon and IndieBound listed an upcoming novel titled 'Assassin's Creed: The Golden City', written by Jaleigh Johnson & published by Aconyte Books! The novel is set to release February 7th 2023! A young emperor’s life hangs in the balance, and only the Brotherhood of Assassins can save him, in this action-packed historical adventure from the award-winning Assassin’s Creed universe. Which Empire do you think it could it be referring to? 12) Ubisoft announced that CJ Allan (CJthegeek) would be host presenting the #AC15 Cosplay Competition by @CosXpo at Insomnia Gaming Festival! ''As a legendary host of past cosplay competitions, his expertise will benefit this amazing #AssassinsCreed event on Saturday 27th August'' Although we are unable to attend the event ourselves, we are very much looking forward to seeing all of the entries! Good luck Assassins! 13) Check out this incredible Assassin's Creed 15 Year Anniversary sand art project by @fallinginsand This impressive creation is one of many art projects commissioned by Ubisoft to mark the 15th Anniversary of Assassin's Creed It's interesting to see all the ways Ubisoft are thinking outside of the box to mark the occasion, and we love seeing unique creations such as this. We hope that you enjoyed this Assassin's Creed News Recap! You can look forward to more articles like this, dropping every Sunday! What was your highlight of the week? Let us know in the comments! comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program. As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website. He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level. Colum Blackett (Col_96)

  • Aureliusz DArccc

    Aureliusz is an active community member who joined TOWCB's Social Media Team in Summer of 2024 to help the team prepare for coverage of Assassin's Creed Shadows news and updates. He is a well-known source of information in the Polish AC Community and is committed to responding to all comments, creating long-lasting engaging discussions. Previous Next Aureliusz DArccc Social Media Team Previous Partner Aureliusz is an active community member who joined TOWCB's Social Media Team in Summer of 2024 to help the team prepare for coverage of Assassin's Creed Shadows news and updates. He is a well-known source of information in the Polish AC Community and is committed to responding to all comments, creating long-lasting engaging discussions. Twitter Work

  • This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 10th to 16th July | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 10th to 16th July Community Share 18 Jul 2023 Written By: Edited By: Aaron Young Colum Blackett Back To Database Welcome to the weekly virtual photography roundup hosted by Aaron Young from The AC Partnership Program. Every week I will be picking our top 5 favourite Assassin’s Creed shots and showcasing them on The Ones Who Came Before website, in order to promote virtual photography and talented content creators within the community. Aaron is a keen virtual photographer and loves to post his journeys through Assassin’s Creed on Twitter. Keep an eye on the site as more weekly shots are added, we are looking for captures across all Assassin’s Creed games. Tag your photos to the #TOWCBWeeklyCapture for a chance to be featured. This week’s theme: Assassin’s Creed Randvi Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla VP Artist: @ JPGphotogame “I feel somewhat trapped. In this room, in this settlement, in this life.” The Norse glue that held the Raven Clan together. Randvi is the chief advisor of Ravensthorpe and the wife of Sigurd. Her part in this tale is critical but also very limited. I wish we had seen more of her throughout the story. This portrait of Randvi beautifully captures her unique style against the luscious backdrop of the English countryside. Excellent use of the depth of field function to highlight Randvi and showcase those soft eyes and elegant hair. Link to set: Druid Eivor Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla VP Artist: @ VirtuallyShots “I know what it is to be blood-bound, lord. It burns so bright it can blind to all else” This capture brings me back to the Wrath of the Druids expansion and the journey through Ireland. The ancient druidic cult that haunted that place was so interesting and acted as such a contrast to the dazzling landscapes that surround you. Eivor in this shot has clearly embodied the druid ways, for this capture exudes menacing vibes that are bringing out the dark side of our Viking hero. The face tattoo is really amplifying the whites of his eye, and the bones on his head are increasing the spiritual feel. I really like the addition of the logo at the bottom as it makes it look like a movie poster. Sekhmet Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins VP Artist: @ Its__Gurly “Like the orb of Siwa. How much more bloodshed and madness will this bring” The Goddess of war and the destroyer of enemies, this bloodthirsty deity serves as a trail of the Gods in Assassin’s Creed Origins. These weekly events were super fun and the birth of what was to come in Odyssey and Valhalla. This particular shot is from an epic set showcasing Bayek and Sekhmet deep in battle. I picked this shot as it looks impressive and very blockbuster movie in its style. Bayek looks visually stunning here with details popping all over the place. I also adore the stance with the shield up and sword drawn. The background tops it off with a real sandstorm ambiance. Link to set: Hobbits Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla VP Artist: @ NoviKaiba23 “I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable” Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of the larger gaming worlds out there and it is mind blowing what Ubisoft managed to produce in terms of world building. The environments are all breath-taking and the choice to split them into seasons was genius. Novi has once again produced a set of landscape shots that beautifully showcase what Valhalla has to offer. I picked this shot because it reminds me of The Lord of the Rings and specifically the Shire. The saturation is on point as the greenery in this capture is so gorgeous. I am very impressed with the smaller details such as the shrine, villagers and fisherman. It is very extraordinary how much is going on here despite the beautiful simplicity of the shot. Link to set: The Ones Who Came Before Photo of the Week Judge: @ TheHiddenValar ''As a huge Lord of the Rings fan, I gotta choose 'The Hobbit' That area reminds me of The Shire.'' The Queen Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins VP Artist: @ dpruttz_vp “I loved it all. The power, the challenge, everything. But above all, I loved Egypt. Believed in it. And still do” Origins has definitely seen a renaissance in recent weeks, most likely due to Mirage’s marketing. It’s been great to see people jump back into the game and capture some superb shots. The amazing introduction of discovery mode allowed us to explore without combat but ultimately play as different characters. This shot is part of a phenomenal set that sees Cleopatra wandering the desert. For me this is the best one from the set, as the pale toned down colours are just so warming. I love how it has an old western vibe, especially with the barren desert all around her. It is a majestic shot that is fit for a Queen. Link to set: And that sums it up for this week’s Assassin’s Creed virtual photography recap list! Thank you for checking out this week’s photo collection. This would not be possible without the virtual photographers out there so a huge thanks to them. Until next week keep those shots coming in! comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Aaron is a passionate Assassin's Creed fan who joined our AC Partnership Program as an Online Article Writer back in 2021 after the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. After building momentum and interest on TOWCB website for Virtual Photography, Aaron established TOWCB Virtual Photography Team, of which he is now Team Leader. Throughout 2024, TOWCB VP Team will be sharing community captures in dedicated articles, and providing a positive environment on Twitter for gamers to share their shots. Aaron Young

  • Second Wave of Assassin's Creed Shadows Mobile Wallpapers Released | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    Second Wave of Assassin's Creed Shadows Mobile Wallpapers Released Community Share 18 May 2024 Written By: Edited By: Colum Blackett (Col_96) Back To Database Check out the second wave of Desktop and Mobile Wallpapers for Assassin's Creed Shadows, created by Assassin1513 using recently released key art. Enjoy! comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program. As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website. He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level. Colum Blackett (Col_96)

  • PureArts unveil Assassin's Creed Mirage: Basim Ibn Ishaq 1/4 Scale Statue | TheOnesWhoCameBefore

    PureArts unveil Assassin's Creed Mirage: Basim Ibn Ishaq 1/4 Scale Statue Merchandise Share 18 Aug 2023 Written By: Edited By: Colum Blackett (Col_96) Ashlea Blackett Back To Database PureArts, a manufacturing company known for creating premium quality collectible figurines has once again excelled for it's work on the Assassin's Creed franchise, today revealing an incredibly detailed recreation of Basim Ibn Ishaq, lead character in the upcoming title Assassin's Creed Mirage. This hyperdetailed sculpt honors the past by channelling a stance once honed by Altaïr, taking the series back to its roots. Two editions of the statue are available for pre-order: 250 Exclusive Editions, which also includes a wearable metal replica of Basim's ring, and 2250 Non-Exclusive Editions. Basim joins the Animus Collection, which also includes high-quality statues of Altaïr, Ezio, Edward, Basim, Kassandra, Eivor and Connor. We are fully expecting both editions to sell out, so act fast Assassins! Release date: Q3 2024 Avaiilable for pre-order now Product Description He is ready to sacrifice everything he held close and walk the path of shadows. Direct from 9th century Baghdad, Assassin’s Creed® Mirage protagonist Basim is one of the deadliest assassins in the franchise! Street thief, Isu reincarnate, Hidden One, and now Animus Statue: Basim has survived millennia to join the PureArts Animus ¼ Scale Statue line. In the most dynamic pose yet in this series, Basim appears as agile as an eagle, touching down upon an ancient Islamic architecture base and ready to fight. Make room in your collection because the Assassin’s Creed®: Animus Basim ¼ Scale Statue is a key player in your Order of Assassins. Limited to only 250 units, the Exclusive Edition includes a wearable metal replica of Basim's ring. comments debug Comments Write a comment Write a comment Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment. About the Author Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program. As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website. He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level. Colum Blackett (Col_96)

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